GW501516(Cardarine) Endurobol Raw Powder

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GW501516(Cardarine) Endurobol Raw Powder
keywords:GW501516, GW501516 dosage,GW501516 effects, GW1516 cycle, GW1516 fat loss, GW501516,GSK-516,Endurobol,Endurobol powder,Endurobol supplier,Endurobol

Trade name: Endurobol
GW501516 CAS ID: 317318-70-0
GW501516 M.F.: C21H18F3NO3S2
GW501516 M.W.: 453.498 g/mol
GW501516 Melting point: 134-136°C
GW501516 Stability: Light sensitive.

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GW-501516 is NOT a peptide.Too many people are mistaking it as is a PPAR MOdulator, and works along the same pathways as actual exercise.GW501516 (GW1516 or GSK-516) is a drug that acts as a PPARd modulator. GW 501516 activates AMP-activated protein kinase and stimulates glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue, and GW 501516 has been demonstrated to reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese men with pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome, most likely by stimulating fatty acid oxidation.

GW 501516 is extremely popular and is extremely effective. The effects it has on increased endurance and fat loss have been staggering. The recommended dosage for GW is 10-20 mg and for 8 weeks length. GW has shown to have drastic effects and little to no side effects. It is a favorite amongst many users and offers several great benefits.

What GW-501516 is:
GW501516 (GW1516 or GSK-516) is a drug that acts as a PPARĪ“ modulator. GW 501516 activates AMP-activated protein kinase and stimulates glucose uptake in skeletal muscle tissue, and GW 501516 has been demonstrated to reverse metabolic abnormalities in obese men with pre-diabetic metabolic syndrome, most likely by stimulating fatty acid oxidation. It has been proposed as a potential treatment for obesity and related conditions, especially when used in conjunction with a synergistic compound AICAR, as the combination has been shown to significantly increase exercise endurance in animal studies.

GW-501516 Uses:
There are two main uses with GW-501516. The first and most common use is that of increased endurance. GW has been banned for professional athletes due to the unfair advantage it provides to endurance athletes. Anyone want a drastic increase in endurance will find that GW truly shines in this aspect. It takes effect very quickly and the results can be staggering. A common dose of 10 mg day will provide a significant increase in endurance.

The second common usage with GW is that of fat loss. Many users turn to GW as it has shown to melt off fat while still being non-catabolic. You will find that you can still hold on to some muscle as you are losing fat. It helps when you are running it in conjunction with SARMS Ostarine and S4, to hold on to as much muscle as possible. A dosage of 10 mg a day will provide good amounts of fat loss, but an increase to 20 mg a day will provide much more in this area.

GW 501516 can be ran in 8 week cycles, but as with any other steroid or supplement, it should be cycled properly to avoid any possible side effects and the keep it as effective as possible.


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